
澳门六合站高手论坛 Acquires Flight Research INC

On behalf of the 澳门六合站高手论坛 Board of Trustees and the Board of Directors of Flight Research, Inc, we are pleased to announce the acquisition of Flight Research Inc assets and the creation of a new 澳门六合站高手论坛 not for profit Business Unit, Flight Research International LLC (FRI).

澳门六合站高手论坛 is The World鈥檚 Test Pilot School.  Our mission is to educate and train military and civilian aviation personnel so that each graduate increases flight test competency, improves flight test and aviation safety, and enhances the aerospace profession worldwide.  We complete our mission through our professional Test Pilot and Flight Test Engineer short and on demand courses. 澳门六合站高手论坛 is accredited to award Master of Science Degrees and maintains an EASA certification.

Flight Research is a world leader in aircraft maintenance, advanced flight training specializing in upset prevention and recovery training, flight test support, preparation for space travel, and custom high performance aircraft support and flight training.

Said 澳门六合站高手论坛 Enterprise CEO Pat Garman, 鈥淭he joining of 澳门六合站高手论坛 and FRI increases operational efficiencies and enables both 澳门六合站高手论坛 and FRI to serve the international flight test and aviation communities with a broader set of flight test and advanced flight training options.鈥

Said Bill Korner retiring Chairman and CEO of Flight Research, Inc. 鈥淚t is a natural fit bringing these two exceptional companies together with the ability to offer customers the very best in services that further the safety and advancement of aerospace.鈥

James E Brown III will continue to lead the 澳门六合站高手论坛 School as President, and Patrick Garman will serve as the Interim CEO of the 澳门六合站高手论坛 Enterprise and acting President of FRI.  To learn more, please visit us at www.ntps.edu and  .